खुद से सीखें डिजिटल मार्केटिंग ऑटोमेट करना

" डिजिटल मार्केटिंग करने से पहले आपको ये कोर्स करना ही पड़ेगा "

आपके लिए Complete डिजिटल मार्केटिंग कोर्स

45 Days DM Automation Course

Recorded Course

Course Access: 1 Year

Automation Digital Marketing

What will You Learn ?

Lesson 1: Welcome & Intro
Lesson 2: How to Buy Domain & Hosting with 20% Offer
Lesson 3: Hosting Overview & Post
Lesson 4: Understand Media, Pages & Comments
Lesson 5: How to Create Required Pages for Website ?
Lesson 6: Understand Appearance Section
Lesson 7: Understand Plugins & Install
Lesson 8: Understand User Section
Lesson 9: Tools Section
Lesson 10: Understand Setting
Lesson 11: Understand Basic Customization of Theme.

Lesson 1: Elementor Freemium & Premium.
Lesson 2: Woo-Commerce
Lesson 3: Pixel Yoursite Pro.
Lesson 4: SMTP for Sending Mail
Lesson 5: CartFlow
Lesson 6: Specific Payment Gateway

Note: Plugin depends on Bussiness.

Lesson 1: Add Billing Method

  1. Image Creative
  2. Video Creative

Lesson 1: Getting Traffic but Not Sell.

  1. Get Lead before Capture Payment.
  2. Get Payment Caputer.
  3. If Pending for Payment then Auto Send mail in daily basis.
  4. Setup Once & Earn Daily.
  5. Learn More to be update.

Who must Join this course ?

Marketing Professionals

Business Owners



Career Changers


Anyone Interested in Digital Marketing

"आपका समय प्रिय है, इसलिए उसे उचित ढंग से खर्च करें।"

उद्देश्य - आपको अपने डिजिटल प्रोडक्ट की बिक्री में मदद करना और आपके ग्राहकों की आकर्षण बढ़ाना है।

Disclaimer: This website in no way is affiliated with FaceBook™ or any FaceBook™ entities. Once you leave FaceBook™ the responsibility no longer is on their site.
Please Note: The results shall vary from person to person. During this event, we are creating an environment and providing you with necessary resources and strategies for you to be successful. However, it would completely depend upon your efforts.
We have taken all necessary steps to provide you with the most accurate information on this page.

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